the vision 

there should be many homes or centers where people are received, raised, and the Bible is lived, taught, and demonstrated.

places where People become strong and mature sons and daughters of our wonderful Father, who are able to "raise" and teach others as well.

You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

2. Timothy 2:1-2

what's already going on

we take people in

we share our home with people who are in need and live with them discipleship.

we care for children 

we take care for some children with difficult family background.  we spend much time with them in different ways depending on their situation and our possibilities. so that they hopefully not come on a "wrong path".

we teach, coach, support and help 

we just tread people like we want to be treated. therefore we are the helping hand in other peoples life's as well as in churches, home groups, etc.


due to data protection and personal protection, we do not publish any images

if you're interested in more detail what we do please contact us