we believe it's all about Jesus 

and who we are in HIM


it's time to ONLY manifest HIM!


we are a romanian / swiss family living and serving mainly in sibiu romania. we have come to the conclusion there are far to many people that think their life is pointless and they see no real hope for their future, they are disappointed in life and often alone therefore they have become indifferent. we realized, we can make and BE the difference to them... 


Jesus didn't die for religion nor for church politics. he gave his life that man can be restored and reconciled - and we just follow his example...

Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.
2. corinthians 5:20


thats actually really simple the "only"  thing what it takes is to believe who we are in christ and to trust that HE lives in us. with this potential, any stumbling block can become a stepping stone.