supernatural provided by a blind old woman with a house that we urgently needed.

Last October (2018) we needed, especially my wife urgently certain documents, since in her Romanian papers Switzerland was registered as her domicile, when we arrived she just received a temporary passport. A definite domicile address you get in Romania but only if you own a property or someone would grant us the right to use his property as our domicile.

Since we do not have any property in Romania jet, we were / are in a rented house, actually it would be the responsibility of the landlord to register us properly. But since a domicile registration has ten years of validity nobody wants to do it. That's why many do not register their tenants or only temporarily.

Now our landlord has promised us he'll help us and sign us up officially, but when it came to signing the consent, they said they can not "do it" because they are afraid of abuse and it would be better to end our tenancy.

So we stood there, with a temporary passport from Cristina that expires in a month and probably soon without a residence.

Yuk! what a bad damper. we were shocked, Cristina had a hard time, she even wondered what we should do here any longer. The following night was very hard for us, as I too, began to question myself and what I have heard from God because we were in a total "dead end", like the people of Israel before the Red Sea. Cristina then said „ that I stay here any longer a miracle must happen“, otherwise she does not know what we should do here.

When I had recovered a bit the next morning, the following verses from the Bible always came to my mind.

Hebrews 4:16

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

2. Corinthians 2:14

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

Then I say to God: I have come to your throne for help, now it’s your "problem" to lead us to triumph.

Then after about 1 ½ hours my phone rings with an unknown number, on the phone was an old blind woman we said 4 months ago once briefly on the street "hello". She asked me directly: Did you find a flat?

- NOBODY (in Romania) knew that we urgently needed a house and this woman didn’t even had my mobile number! -

I asked WHAT…? You ask again, did you find a flat?

I answered almost petrified NO. "She said cheerfully, THAT'S GOOD, because I have a house with 7 rooms that is empty and that you can rent it.“

My mind was blown away "because this house was bigger, much cheaper, has a large garden, is located in the same neighborhood (important for our work with the children), but the" best "was that this woman without hesitation, said of course you can make all the necessary files on this address and also the entire house at their expense repainting.

Yess Hallelujah!! Such a thing is completely IMPOSSIBLE without the intervention of our wonderful father. Thanks an praise to him!

Thanks to all those who have prayed for us.