Risen from clinical death or the power of prayer

I was admitted to the ambulance as an emergency, the problem could not be diagnosed at first. Some time later, I was out of my body looking down at what the doctors are doing. Then I was gone.

I was in a deep coma and I did not react to anything anymore. I was diagnosed with encephalitis (an inflammation of the midbrain). This is a very serious illness that often leads to death or brain damage. After I was already 1½ days motionless in a coma, said the doctors to my wife: "It does not look good, get ready for the worst and even if your husband survives he remains 4-6 months in the hospital. We can not tell you in what condition your husband will be if he survives. "

Since we ourselves believe that God works and heals to this day, as well as our friends, these have immediately begun to pray for my complete healing and restoration. At about 3 o'clock at night, my wife took the Bible and prayed to God, saying,"Father, neither me nor the doctors have the last word in the case of Markus, but you alone. For me, the Bible is not a storybook and you God are not dead, if in my trouble I can not rely on the Bible now, what do I need it for? "

The next morning, after two days in a coma, I was "reborn" within a moment and removed the tubes myself. A moment later my wife came and could hardly believe it, I was totally clear and like "newborn".According to the statement of three doctors an absolute miracle.Two days later I went home and I'm just fine. Thank's God for the power of prayer.

How do I know that the prayer has saved me?

Quite simply I live and my brain is not damaged because for me was confessed in prayer. 

A few months later, there were reports of three young people who had something similar to mine, but a "less" bad form. Unfortunately, everyone died. I wish someone would have prayed too.